Page 481 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 481

The dispute over Fasht Du Saaja            4G9


               Cypher  OTP
               I'rom:—  FOREIGN OFFICE         To:—    BAHRAIN

               Despatched 11/11/49             Received 13/11/49
               No.   692            of       11/11/49


                    Addressed Bahrtf             November 11th repeated
               for information to Jeddah and Saving to Washington and
                    Jeddah telnos 398 and 404.
                    You have not commented but subject to your and Jeddah's
               views you should inform the Shaikh without delay thati-
                 (a)  The subject matter of the letter is such that it
               should properly be handled by us though in the fullest
               consultation with him. He should inform Ibn Saud accor­
               dingly through us.
                 (b)  Regarding the cessation of operations on Fasht Bu
               Saafah (the Shaikh'$ claim to which we take it he wishes
               us to maintain, so far as we can) it is for the Shaikh

               and the Company to decide this matter and it may be wiser
               in the circumstances for the company to cease operations.
               We would in any case propose to the Saudis that operations;
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