Page 479 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 479

The dispute over Fasht Bu Saafa            467

                                           A M 1 i»

                                                 XX XXX
                                           12th. hovuaber, 1V4V.
                               — a —    im ,T ^ s^’H1
                                                                        *V L C4**
       If It la auuaiitlal that tUo u&hroin      JC. W         WN^JI ^ V ^U,
     i otvol«iv« Company dloaautlo and ro^ova            ^ o4J» UX, 4.^ o», fV-
     lta oqulpxont froea Jaairat Arubi, a &«crlod
     of appvoxlaaUdjr throo v*«ka will bo   itiNkM jt^f u/ji cua*i u,. ii|^ ojM
     nutiaasary to acaplota Uie task.    ■»•■»■«*< f>a c/t is)* i *A* u*ji «-■*-*• si-
                                        IJL^J , ■ x*JXe «M#J WU, *.• I-Jr i >   «J
       olnoa tha solo Interact of tho dahroln   J'jh*   • jf X»»Jl ,^1^1 i*tl 5|4 y m -4.1 ■ j '~^ym
     Iotroleua Gw*jany in Joolrat Arabl 1* in   1                    •       1AT,
     a etriotly temporary uoo to old lta vaaaole,
     and alnoe the Coatany dUoloiaa an/ intention
     oi' furthering any olalua to iQvaralgnly# or   fX-iI , U-I/-I jJb j**, IjU* Vlu-,
     of prejudicing auy rl^ta of Mia Hojoaty,                    ** jji **f**^*
     tha King of Saudi Arabia, or which faota lour
     highnoae nay not hava baaa previously informed,
     tha Sahruin i atrolauA Company raapeotfully
     truato that Uia Oovariinant of Mia HaJonty haa   I XT jXi ^JAJI
     no further objection to thio taopordvy uno of
     tl.o itlar.d. I La Cota* any will b« uoat grateful   Ck^*hJ>
     for the opportunity to complete lta aurvoy
     with the acalaUno* of tbl* navigational aid
     without furthering any claim to Jealrat         *  •>!**  * f* * #*  !./•
     Arubi aaverue to U.ouo of Me / ujouty. l'he
     UulMeln .etr oleum Company will opjreoUta
     ihci advloo of four MyLuesa In U.Ib reaped.----
                                            • rU*J»    - 0)**  • f* A1
       Usual i'.r.dlng.

       lie u.U: .%!:•    CCi-iiAh/, LI.'{itch,
             OMKilflAI «U.{i«:(- UY
                 r*. «)

           7"n. BiicTuWoi;nL.T/;rT^jaQl]u
   474   475   476   477   478   479   480   481   482   483   484