Page 478 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 478

466                        Records oj Bahrain

                                                    K w u i 1,
                                                         •Uf> * .v •.
                                                    12tb. iiovo&bor, l'JA9.
                                                 ,s"       »» v/
             »°l                                                                        Jl
               li in lii(^iUou«> tatlr (iu'M iUi *Abdullult tin Jiluvl
               Klu^Ur-a of flaull Arubiu,                      V/1* tiJl Uf+ ^rt I
               .rinaadca of U.u.Mntrict of Jiao*. .               * \<J y.----II ^tr--JI
                                                                     1 * U------*Jl * , I-----*|

               Usual irauUo^n.                                                   Jl y >■ Lrf I,
                Ui« Uabroln rnUol^utt cjooi/a»\/* Lialtud in   ',*^|*,*Ti* Si*. C**!*1 u’*'*1   ...Vt r~ f
             plauscd to aokuowladjio rou*ipl of four liIciness*       j* . /JtK|J ,   / *“*
             UtUr i.o. XV3. In this rijiy tho Colony iu ..//T VJ , .   X*.   /      u^“.
                                                          rffs&h t$7r ^ ' ""
             Kitfknowu* lwttor doullntf wiUi operation* of          r« “■*      yh be
             lUo CotMiUiiy, axoopt UiOno ou Jaalrat Arabi,
             is U.w tubJout of our latiur Jio.                 lOw IS,4    jJJ
                                                   ^L^JI 1<jU j*Lj           ^       VW
                ib« Jol.iaiu latrolauu Umpany has placed   • ^Wl         l^llr >..l,.ali >.
    navigation vquiv««ut on Jaalrat   ‘—■U Juj l*Jb   ‘-Ij- cIj.a*JI • Ja cl^ i •
              Arabl t»> uualot itu survey vwBaaln in
              locating U.o..,soivu6 ultkln th« luralan Gull',             v«|bJl *.*j t«»fc
              il.o c.iorutlori of Uno oqui;&«ot will bo
              ricocjiirOiV only for * ported of nfproxiir*utoly   ^ cIxaJI .Ja il^aJI ul j,j
                                                        C->l 41. • ily^W *• i-j,Jj -Jl/ ,m/ Vi
              x'lvii bontt.u.
                                                                                   Jl ,J *i
                 .vforu tUu Gou-uii/ ;lauwJ title a^ulpn.«ut   v* o*   vJi4 r1   • ^JrJl L, JI------i  I
              i.ii Joairut .u'tilii, uu inland wnu unoooupiau.
              >l.u .ial iain Guvuuiaout Wifovt.ed Ut* loiajany   ^»yJI i-Xl   uiJ
              LI...t it oiuiuu.d no joriodlotion over tl.«   ^wIa.1 1^ ,1 J. Vjv   L,j -   >AS l %4J,
              Inland, ihorofoio ti.c -«i., any did not utk tin*
              ><oruSt>: )on of un, yv.vovol^t. for Itu to;i>)-orury   Itl*^s   Jl I.S L^jJ* U j* *jt jJI
               ow«                                        Vj-JS v,!* v,^y*lS |^»jl „ji*J ,   . ) j«
                                                   fSj*—1 vi-bU.JI .1.^ L*a 0,^JI jSL* ^
                'tbc Jttlx'olti .otroloeu Cviupauy bav oxpruouly v* *»yJU lyJL*!, f>ij J  tvaU li.,1 Iv*1 Li
              diuolniiuod ri-iblt cf any kind to Jtalrut Arubi *v*   ^-Ui ^ L^jI,  i  V •'t  * i *
              or Ij any miii«r*l» lyiiij uodor its euifnov, and                      ic ';i.
              l.u* alutoU U.ot it ucted \«iUiUut *uy ,r«*Judioa
              in ll.u ri.^lito of ti a lawful novuralgn of th»  ^1- 'r'-J Jk fiXjl t/U lib
              1 aland* it.tfcu uuvuiaiiooc U.a vOaj-any repwsta   ’>-  >?/*   * V> lyila-A.   v-l/ll* X«.
              mrw to to\.r i l^l.nuzs4 at.u ututoo furUiar U.ut   •   I jn   liX* C, ,c li**
              itu uutionc uro net take;, on boi^alf of «ny
               L'wvarold** nod «*rw not to bo ooucidarad au   •><1*^* ^   r> o* U< U»J }
               furtli%rin|{ U.w oluof aiiy riOV«raI<j(.    U,, 1^> l^JL-4-.l t» r/. vi-  f *•'>
              Ui.ut- cc-av«r.                          Ul     M>'/ U* Joi 0,411 j\ U, , If***
                                                        O* ij**-                      •**
                                                    ,5JU..d 1/4, Uj|—-Jl   wO-Jl U,   J.JI U*
                                                              ai v-./)Jw .^1 £S>% i .ill «j
               WlllllMllli •  • • •

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