Page 486 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 486
474 Records of Bahrain
Thu Shaikh of IJahrain is not concerned with the island
of Arab! and lays no claim to it. Ho cannot howoyor admit
the King's claim to the area (presumably submarine) in the
Persian Gulf "near Fasht Bu Saafah stretching towards the
south in the direction of Fasjit.ul Ja^im" more particularly
* • '• . !«•;
as this area is not clearly dof lped. •.» Jle is agreeable to
if * ' • •
negotiations in due course but woijl.d;. point out that in
" . • *! i,' • t * , . •
such negotiations he wouldfhf£yg'gre£pfltpd by.II.M.Q. which,
" ' •'1 ..*"' > v. • ■ .
as Ibn Saud is aware, co^^|Wis|: hf4 -relations,
This appears to coyer S^d •;&&• £n youi' telegram
n .* *. • ‘".vf *
under reply but I should be' gratefU^VfQr -your approval
before asking the Political’‘Age^t ' tp;\c pjpmun 1 cate the
draft tO'the Shaikh. »j'; M' . ‘ •
3. 1 will take up with the Shaikh •and'* the company thp
question of the cessation of the operations on Bu Saafah
(first sentence of para 1 (b) of youi* telegram)
d. Your para 3. I concur in (a) and (b). 'Reference (c).
Please see the last paragraph of my-'telegram '529. Y/ould
it not be possible to endeavour to reach some agreement
1 *• • . I
about the sea-bed boundary between Saudi Arabia and Bahrain
up to 27 degrees latitude and 51 degrees East longitude
without reference to principles to be applied'elsewhere.
The httun sea-bed boundary between Bahrain and Qatar was
fixed by us on an ad hoc basis. In'the present case I
know at present of no claims to sovereignty over specific
islands or shoals which are likely to complicate the