Page 487 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 487

The dispute over Fas lit Du Saaja          475

          ConfidentJ al.                     Political. A coney,
          No.C/R-525.                   ^^fPW®a!py?mb®ri 19/19 •


                 As Instructed In your s.o. letter No.V7 475/13/49  >
          dated the 10th November, 1949, and llesldency letter No.
          410/9/49, da tod the 7 th November, 1949  I wrote to tho
          Bhulkh and to Bapco In the terms of paragraph 2 (a) and
          (d) of Foreign Office telegram No.663.    I also saw the
          Shaikh this morning und told him the Foreign Office view
          about Fasht Bu Saufah In the light of what seems the most
          reasonable division of the sea-bed. 1 sent copies of my
          letters to tho Shaikh and to the oil company to you under
          printed letter No.C/H-523, dated the 10th November, 1949.
          2.     I hove not however yet informed Bapco of tho com­
          munication to be made to the Shaikh of Kuwait In accordance
          with the Instructions in paragraph 2 (b) of Foreign Office
          telegram. In my copy of tho telegram the penultimate
          sentence of paragraph 2 (h) Is obscure and T have asked
          Dredge to be good enough to chock it. and lot mo know tho
          reaii 11.  On hearing from him 1 shall inform tho company
          that a communication 'is being made' to tho Shaikh of Kuwait.
          Bapco are as usual In rather a hurry to know what it is.
          As 1 mentioned to you 1 told Skinru-r, Witherspoon, and
          Bussell Brown verbally about it yesterday.

          3.     J also handed Ibn Baud's letter protesting against
          Bapco1 s activities at Iiu Bnafah and Arab!oh to Shaikh Salman
          this morning.   He said, as was to be expected, that Arahich
          did not concern him and he did not seem to feel strongly
          about Bu Baafah.   He said (obviously referring to the 1942
          correspondence) that some years ago when tho question bad
          come up Ills Majesty's Government had stated neither that
          Bahrain owned the Fasht nor that Bahrain bad no right to It;
          the matter was loft undecided.   As you advised verbally
          T said that doubtless he would consult us about Iris reply
          to Ibn Suud's letter.   lie asked me, in effect, for a lira ft
          of a reply und T told him T would consult you.    1 nk
          his reply should he on the following lines:-
                 The Shaikh of Bahrain Is not concerned with the
          island of ArabJeit* and I lays' . no claim to 1t.   He cannot
          however admit the King's claim to the area (presumably sub­
          marine) in the Persian Gulf "near Fasht Bn Baafah stretching
          towards the south in the direction of Fasht ul" more
          particularly as this area Is not clearly defined,    He I.s
          agreeable to negotiations in due course but would point out
          Unit in such negotiations he would be represented by His
          Majesty's Government which, os Ibn Baud is aware, conduct.*;
          his external relations.
          4 .    My correspondence does not seem to show that you have
          a copy of Ibn Suud's letter,   I have one copy of English
          translation and will send you a copy of It if you require? It.

      His Excellency Sir Huport Huy, K.C.I.F., C.S.I.
       Political Resident, Persian Gulf,
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