Page 491 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 491

The dispute over Fasht Bu Saaja            479

               *     I 4jjj LL^yO I j   I j I j
                                            No.C/L-444.       Political Agency,
                  t l l_J 1/^- j j------------------- i
                                                                  Bahrain  j
         •ini ji-o n o» i i u 1 j i •                        10th Decombor, 1949.

                                       Jl   To
                                ---- V_»-
    >—J      ^-iJ I a^ '71 I cjj^                Ills Highness Shaikh Sir Salman
    ;J ' iJ I* LJ-. *   I J*>   ^ 1».L«   I        bln Hamad A1 Khalirah, K.C.I.E.,
                                                     Hulor o! bohrain.
                 * (• 1 *
                                            After Couipllmonts
       j^-> i I p; ai- J |i>w> J ^IvJ IJ p M_wJ | J^o        »
                       •        fU_J o^JI          With reference to our con­
           ^aJI c.Ll^L-uJI      __I'i ^     versation of this morning in which,
                                            under instructions from Ills Excellency
           L*—I -*U yJ ^aJ IJ ^ l >f».<a) I I >*L.ft I...«»*-f
         ^JL>J lijvJj j—«L_iJ a I a l—~"j I * La^   the Political Hoslilent, 1 suggested
                                            to Your Highness the desirability of
         '-'•V3 O L-t J—^ £
                                            the BahruIn Potrolcum Company's sus­
         JL    « 14-J 1 .«fc I !'j —^,> ■ >yJ I ■ !**■ ■>.»
                                            pending operations north of Kashi ol
                -r-J1 C/V  ------- 11 f j  1_>JI^
                                            Jar ini until the sea-bod boundary
                 l^l_j j j a—>-1—J l—« ^
                                            lie tween Halim In and Cnudl Arabia has
              4—tu—A—II   —fJ I j Crtj—I erst
                                            been decided, 1 now write to enquire
                J I O ^ ^ O—" I.) 1 Jj~*—~J I
           J—*6 at O L—< J—-i £  0tT IJ1 Ui  whether Your Highness agrees to
                                            Instruct the Dchraln Petroleum Company
                         I ! ■_L if  ^ o------1*
                  • J L-/VI - J—a oji 3_; J L,   to suspend these operations.
                                                         Usual ending.
           ^;w U j^->-1   —I P ai I  liiJ I yJ j
                       'cr*     r* jj  ii'UJI
                                                       ogd. C..) . I’elly
                                                    H.m.m's Political Agent.
   486   487   488   489   490   491   492   493   494   495   496