Page 493 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 493
The dispute over Fasht Bu Saaja 481
Jon fid Gill ial. Political Agoncy,
Nu.C/H-590. IB 1949.
4; ’(2 0 D0C1949
<U~. /L^y7-,; \
PIgosg ref or to the correspondence ending
with your complimentary slip No.475/37/49 of 12th
Decernl er, 1949, about Fusht Bu Sanfah.
2. I enclose a copy of a translation of the
Shaikh's letter tome in reply to iny letter to him,
a copy of which was fonvardod to you under Agency
Printed Letter No.C/R-583 of 12th December, 3949.
The main point of the Shaikh's reply is that he is
willing to call off his company if lbn Baud will do
the same in respect of Aramco. Ills third paragraph
was written, I am pretty sure, with the Superior Oil
Company in mind. I suppose you will let the foreign
01 l ice know ubout his reply to the main question.
As to the second, 1 urn inclined to think that the
best reply would be that it does not, as far as we
are aworo arise at present.
Ills lS..collency
Sir import Hay, K.C.1.1S., C.S.I.,
Political Resident, Persian Gulf,
Bah'ra j 11.
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