Page 492 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 492

400                       Records of Bahrain

                              Copy or a translation of « Jotter J'rom IIJs
                       Highness the Uulor of Bahrain, tu the Political indent,
                       Uahiaiu, dated tnu loth December, 1940.

                       a I* ter eomp j lmunts:
                               Wo have the honour to acknowledge your letter
                       Ho.C/l.-44/l dated 10th December enquiring wl other we
                       will agree to Instruct The Bahrain Petroleum Company
                        to suspend operations north ol’ Kasht al JarJm.
                               heioj-e giving a reply in this matter we wish
                        to enquire whether it* v;e instruct the Bahrain Petroleum
                       Company to suspend their operations the Aial.lan American
                        Oil Company will also suspend their activities within
                        this area.
                               Is the restriction to upply to i.l o
                        Petroleum Company only or to my. other oil Company
                        which may l»e going to work in '..lie seas which we cluJm
                        a row i ui our islands?
                               Wo would remind you that we claim the sen
                        Ik.*tween Bahrain and *qultur and wo request Ur t until
                        our claim is settled no oil company, other than the
                        Bahrain Petroleum Company, should carry out any opera­
                        tions tho.u.

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