Page 488 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 488

476                       Records of Bahrain

                      Truncation of lotter No. 180, da bud the 10th Sufur, 1369
                      (1.12.49) from II.II. tho Rulor of Duhrain, to King I bn Suud.

                      After Compliments,

                               I was delighted to rocoivo Your Majesty*s lotter of
                       tho 12th Muhurrum, 1369 (3.11.49) .enclosing u decree Issuod
                      by Your Mujosty on tlio 1st of Ghaiban, 1368 (29.5.49).
                       It Is a fact, us   you were kind enough to point out, that
                       ufflr.tion and amity of old unite our families and that each
                       of us considers his country and that of his brother us one

                       und the same.  Your Majesty*3 reference to tho intimacy and
                       sincerity is a matter that add3 to our plousuro and
                       happiness and we pruy to God - glorified bo ho - to proaorvo
                       Your Mujnsty and to perpotuuto for ever those brotherly

                           X. Your Majesty was pleased to refer to tho oporutions
                       of tho huhruin Petroleum. Com puny in the vicinity of Fusht
                       Abu 6a*fuh (?xtendipg southwards to Fusht Al-Jurim and tho
                       island culled "Arublyyuh11 • We a 10 to Inform Youi' Mujosty
                       that since the receipt of Your Majosty’s lotter we have been
                       giving tho matter our curePul study and will let Your

                       Majesty know In due course. ^
                               We - God is aware - are very anxious to muintuln
                        the friendly relations and strong ties existing between us >
                       which Your Majesty were kind enough to refer to on so
                       many occasions.

                                llsuul Ending.
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