Page 470 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 470

458                       Records of Bahrain
                                                             British Agency
                 Confidential                                       Doha
                                                              2nd.November 1950

                                        Yesterday Abdulla Darwish came to me
              to tell me about his difficulties in buying land or property
              in Bahrain. He has connected this with the Zubara dispute.
                                      2. His complaint is'not against the
              Bahrain Govt, order that no foreigner may buy property from
              anyone but another foreigner,but against an order that he says
              forbids Qataris buying property from anyone in Bahrain,without
              the express approval of the Ruler of Bahrain. He says this order
              dates from the days of the Zubara dispute and should have been
              rescinded when settlement was reached last year.
                                      3. You will recall that the Ruler of Qatar
              (your letter C/R-216 of 23rd. Apri 1 , parag rap.h 11) asked for
              the restrictions imposed on Qatar to be removed.Your paragraph 12,
              last sentence, gives the reply of the Ruler of Bahrain to this
              request,Abdul 1 a Darwish is now arguing that because settlement was
              reached all restrictions that were imposed should have been lifted.
              This is not correct though it does seem unfair that Qataris should
              have this restriction on their buying.In practice there are not
              many Qataris who wish to buy property,and the case of Salih al
              Mani is like a special one ,according to Darwish,because he has the
              special permission of Shaikh Salman.
                                      4.Abdulla's own case is as follows. Some time
              ago.according to him,he bought some gardens near a property
              belonging to Shaikh Salman.When it came to registering them the
              Ruler said that he would haye liked to hear that they were for
              sale so that he could have bought them,The result was that Darwish
              did not buy the gardens but the Ruler did.I seem to recall hearing
              this story before, but from the Bahrain Govt. end. It was different
              in some respects:it was said to be Bahrain Govt, policy to prevent
              Abdulla Darwish buying property in Bahrain,and in this particular
              case Shaikh Salman was asked by Belgrave to buy the gardens so that
              Darwish could not.I feel that this is probably nearer the truth,and
              Darwish may also suspect this.
                                       5.Abdulla Darwish claims that he is a great
               friend of Shaikh Salman(I doubt this),and we know that his boast
               that the Ruler of Qatar will do anything for him is justified,so
              when Abdulla told me that he proposed asking the Ruler of Qatar
               to write to the Ruler of Bahrain asking him to allow Abdulla to buy
               some property that he now wishes to buy,I told him that I wanted
               first to find out about the restrictions on buying by Qataris.He
               has agreed to wait until I have done so and until I have given him
              my advice. Abdulla says that he has a letter from Belgrave saying
               that Qataris may not buy property in Bahrain without the permission of
               Shaikh Salman,and if Belgrave wants to stop Darwish buying property there
               it may cause some embarrassment if the Ruler of Qatar writes to the
               Ruler of Bahrain,particularly if the Zubara dispute is brought into
               the matter.
                                       6.Without knowing whether all that Abdulla
               Darwish has said is true,I think the first thing to do is to find
               out what restrictions are imposed on Qataris and not on other foreigners.
               If there is a good reason for any descrimination we can then explain it,
               if there is not it will be more difficult.If there is no discrimin­
               ation and it is a simple anti-Darwish move,then I do not see how we
               can object to the Ruler of Qatar writing on h1s behalf,but I shall
               be glad if I can be in a position to refute the argument that this
               is nothing to do with the Zuabar affair.
                                        7.1 shall be grateful,for your instructions.
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