Page 447 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 447

Effect of Zubarah dispute on relations, 1949   435

                   I         l J 1»—I j I J  No.C/g-69.      Political Agency,
                         1 i-r/V-                            20th March, 1950.
       ^ jLj. r * ^ I^J i mo* i^.j U f • y>j jj*-
                •iru « Jj'il
              jU-Jl .->-L»                     Ills Excellency Shaikh AH
       •    | fk»J ^ l---J*- y^J ill l <U l ,' 'U'-.  J*  bln Abdullah A1 Thanl,
                                                      Hulor of Qutur.
     j* Lr-^^ 1 p. fiz*~>   cJ IJ—I i  ^_JI a-*-
                     • f£jl   liu- 1       AT tor Compliments:
              ■"•S     f o' 'b '                  I wish to tender my wrltton
                SL.US ol    jt ^z j l__    thanks to Your lixcelloncy for your
         u—'•** °     1 1 o * < L_ o       letter dotod the Gth March, 1950, on

           O’   tj J.. I I ^ !*£■») I — *j L-y_J  the subjoct of Zubarah - the latter
           O «■* ■ ■ 1 I j I^J 1 I O—* J *?*  l'or which, and for the decision which
              Z J                          it convoyed 1 verbally thanked Your
                    I        l y----- *■   lixcelloncy when I vis 1 tod you at Doha
                                           on the 1.3 th of Murch.  I congratulate
          * yJ-J ^ u—* ' r Vs* *'
                     u° ^—*-\ JS—i  ; I    Your Excellency most sincerely on
           O--»■?*■) l J--\f* 1>1—* fi"~*  your statesman-like decision which
             J—11 j 'jlzjJ I j—ii 1—i»J I  will redound to your credit for muny
           fi-^\<-t J--i----  Cr?j-t--------  long years and ushers In, I uni sure,
       « a ..t b. L* I * *—*     *J—>1>    a now eru of friendship and co-operation
        O I JL^J I   J*      ,40 5JL       between your 5 Into and the State of
      «/-!> * I j^o fio^. uj i-*-^ !>      iiahrai n.  I am informing Ills Excellency
            ,-Sl                           the Political Resldont of how completely
                                      I    you have complied with his wishos and
        2-J.   >JI -                i'ii   of the excellent rosults which have
                ,1 •     o—6 c'4u ^        followed thorofrom. I trust thut
           X   rj
                   j *i.«  | j3 ,Sz j L*—> o •  Your lixcelloncy hn3 recovered from
         ui.-.iU cl tj z   —« L—A   l*     your slight indisposition and that
                    II ,—sl ^ o^l fib      you are now j 11 full health,   I offer
           y—s|—^ r-^l rW ^J—’ 1           my best wishes to you for your success
      1*4^ ^531 j_4_*o £-~>* y* fi^>-1—    in all your undertakings, a success

                                                                  for which ...
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