Page 168 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 168

156                        Records of Bahrain


                                othor injuries which do not prevent him from work
                                he should be paid suitable compensation as is
                                given to the foreigner.
                                     5.  Review the wage of the national and
                                give him a living wage which is now very low.
                                     6.  The rights of the old national workman
                                to be protected;  ho should not be changed or
                                replaced without lawful reasons: to give him
                                yearly increments accoi'ding to circumstances.
                                     7.  National should not be dismissed except
                                for lawful reasons and unless his fault is proved,
                                the committee to defend him and the government to
                                afford all assistance by getting grievances rpdressed.
                                    8.   Wage to be on monthly basis with'the
                                deduction of wage for Fridays and 'religious holi­
                                days and to give 20 days leave per workman per year

                                with pay for raisons of health.
                                    9.   Company to train continuously and by
                                degrees the national Gnd afford him facilities to
                                learn technical work of all sorts which Indians
                                and Iraqis now do and pay national same wage as
                                     10.  Prevent the heads of workmen from abusing
                                and beating Bahrain subjects and to obtain the right
                                of the oppressed workmun.
                                     11.  The treatment of the national to be the
                                same without any difference as given to the foreigner,
                                without favouritism as this is the reet-ef-the-fcreuble.
                                cause of the contempt shown towards the national.
                                     12.  Company to enlist labour through the com­
                                mittee and to select from those proposed who fulfil

                                the needs of the work and not enlist foreigners unless
                                Bahrain subjeots are not available for the job.
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