Page 171 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
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Agitation for reform, 1938 159
point out tnoao facta politely, verbally and unofficially to tne
Bahrain Government uo from me, and I truot tnat tnlo may induce
tnom to dioplay rooro activity iu tne future. id-
3. In oonneotlon with the reform of the Courto the Shaikh
after diocuoalon with loightman luxe asked ua to prooure for the
Bahrain Government the temporary services of two retired
magistrates or Judges from Egypt or the Hudan (who would tnue
know A?ablo)« One of tneso will devote his time to supervising
the oolleotlon of tne alana and the formation of a Blmple Bahrain
Code - criminal and civil - and the other to giving practical
instruction to the present magistrates, who belong to the Al if ah family, both in and outside tne Courts* I agree with
this suggestion and would be very grateful if the India Offioe
oould assist uo in oeouring suoh officials* If there is
difficulty about getting two suon ouitublc officials one oould*
be sent in tne first instance. The Shaikh does not indicate
what terms nc la prepared to offer tnese officials nor how
long approximately u«- requires their services, I am asking
Weightman to let you have direct information on theoe points*
Sc»! / mi
I am sending a oopy of this letter to Metcalfe and
We lgntman.
* sent undor Printed letter No. 623-3 of the
24tn November 1938.