Page 233 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 233

Local administration                   221

        frco for 'planning'* 3 oubordinatco Have boen procured from
        India; First, a Faotor, ao  ho would bo called In Sootland, or
        Bailiff, to look after tno Shaikh's private property and
        accounto whicn up to now Belgravo has nad to deal with*     Second,

        a Treasury Officer, with tno looal title of Accounto Officer, to
        look after tno detailo of finance.    Third, a p.W.D.Engineer.
        Belgravo telle mo tnat theoe 3 eubordinateB nave already taken

        much detail- off nis ehouldere.
             While on tne subject of administration it io worthy of note
        that the Bahrain uovernment nave, at Belgrave's suggestion, in
        tno last few yeara adopted the excellent practice of getting

        a Chartered Accountant from Bagdad (whoro there ia a good firm
        of Chartered Accountants), to visit Bahrain to audit tneir
        annual accounto. So far, Bomewhat to eveiyone's Burpris^* no
        financial scandal has been discovered, even in the Municipalities,

        In which institution all the world over peculation and graft
        often flourish. It ia to be nopod tnat this desirable state of

        affairs will continue, but in any case tne mere fact tnat all
        concerned know tnat an annual audit will bo made doubtless  nas
        an excellent effect.

        5.     Police.     Law and order is of course a moot important
        side of tne administration,and though we are not^i*esponsible
        for it nevertheless we nave to aec that it is preserved. As
        you are aware tnere is a force of some 150 armed police in

        Bahrain wno originally wero mootly reoruited from India but
        are now practically all Arabo. Some of tne h'.O.Oo. have been
        sent to India for training and one or two Indian jn.C.Ob. have

        come to Bahrain for the purposes of training tne Corps. The
        Police are quite a good body of men but they need a Police
                                                      Officer /
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