Page 234 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 234


                      222                        Records of Bahrain
                           Officer to train thorn•   At prooent Belgrovo ouporvleeo tnorn In
                           addition to nis many other dutleo.    We have arranged for a

                           Pol loo Ofl'ioor to be deputed from India to command tno Force
                           who will probably bo followed by an Indian Sub-In op ect or.   In
                            addition to being Offioer commanding, Police, tno Officer will

                            also ex-officio aot as Assistant to Belgravo in whatever
                            direction the latter chooses®

                            6.     At first sight it may appear that the introduction of

                            tne officials mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs goeB
                            against what I nave said above aa to tne advantages of tne
                            •indirect* rule and of allowing tne Bahrainis to manege tneir
                            own affairs. ^Qwing to the increasing complexity of affairs
                            in Bahrain (there are already for instance traffic problems,

                            with a number of motor accidents a week J), it has been necess­
                            ary to import tne officials in question since there are at
                            present no Bahrainis with sufficient technical knowledge to
              fid,, - /r    undertake tneir duties.   I have, however, in my conversations
               rt' f» rv-V
                            with Weight man and Belgrave empnaeised tne fact that tne
                  -1 ^ ^ ^ ^
                 ®1 i'M.rf'd
                            officials we bring in are so far as possible to act, not only
               /. /. </. if
                               Execu^^ve8 (to hse an American term), but also as Instructors®
                           v"J*n Particular tne police Officer and his Sub-Inspector will form
                            a small Police School for training purposes®    I hope that in
                            time a certain young Shaikh of the Ruling Family, who nas

                            already gone to India to be trained in a Police School, will
                            be able to take over tne command of tne Police   Force.

                            7.      law Courts®
                                                   In connection witn tne administration
                             of the law there nave already been  some changes in tne direction

                             of appointing additional judges (on the theory  that it is more
                                                                                 difficult /
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