Page 254 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 254

242                       Records oj Bahrain


                     wurthor the knowledge that Ills Majesty's OoTommont had
                     preventod the Bahrain State from lnoroanlng Ito inooiao
                     oono idorably would naturally have «v deplorable offeot not only
                     locally but In the noighb our inn Arab oountrlea, whero It
                     would of oourao  beoome publlo property and tho subject of much
                     adverse ooioraent.

                     3.      Similarly I do not Imagine that tho Bahrain Petroleum
                     Oorapany would aooept, with any equanimity, a olno die deoiolon
                      owing to the uncertainty in which thoy would be plaoed. In
                      this oonneot ion ploaoe see enoiosure to India Offloe letter No.
                      P..$.3234/38, dated the 14th May 1930, to we, recording a
                      conversation which Baliantyne had with Oiboon. In this record

                      the following sent once ooouroi
                           "'Yhethor the area should bo given wholly to one Company
                            or the other or divided betwoen then was a matter for
                            the Ghalkh to daolde and Hi a Majesty's Governments

                            attitude thereto was neutral and unbianoed.*
                      It Boemo t o mo quite probable that if Hlo Majesty'b Government
                      blook the Bahrain Petroleum Company at Bahrain tho Company may
                      oonaidor thoir agreement with Ilia Uajeety'o Government not to
                      enter the Truoial Coast (vide Mr.Ballantyne's letter dated the
                      19th March 1937 - India Office No.P.z, 11371/37) at an end, and
                      may entor that aroa.   Thlo of oourse would be moat undesirable.
                                                                                 • .•
                      Against this particular argument lu the faot that onoe Petroleum
                      oonoeoaiona Limited have obtained the remaining oonoesoione on
                      the Truoial oouat they will not be able to
                                                                  operate there. The
                      fact remains howover that at present Petroleum
                      Limited have obtained only two out of
                                                             a pooaiblo seven.
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