Page 255 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 255

Background and claim to Hawar islands, 1936-1942    243


          4.     It will bo a eon  Uiat tho Shaikh now doeo not oven wioh
          to give Hawar  to Petroleum Gonooaniono Limited.   7 am not of
          opinion that .to ohould aooopt this,   In this connection boo
          paragraph 5 of my Exproao Lott ox* quotod above,   Hawar gco-
          graphically ia outo Ido the Bohroi n area and adj oini’V' latar,
          whore Petroleum Conoeeaions Limited already hare a concession
          and in fairnooo thoroforo it ohould go to them,    In oonnaction
          with tho ownership of Hawar ploaoo sec oorroap.ondonco ending
          with your ’^xproaB Let tar Ho. P, <j« 4962/313, dated the 21ot July
          1U38.   I am enquiring from tho Political Agent Bahrain whether
                        ------------------------------------------- -   -•   * . v...................W
          ar\y reply ima boon roceivcd from tho Shaikh of qatar.

          0.     Should ill a Majaoty'a Government acoept the recommenda­
          tion made in my immediately aucoeoding paragraph, 1 think that

          opportunity might be taken of insisting on tho inaertion in
          the oonoagalon for the Unallotted Area a pre-emption oluuoe
          in favour of Hla Majesty* 8 Oovornment to cover not only tho
          product from the Unallotted Aron but also from tho present
          ooncoBoional area.

          6.     In oonoluoion personally I am definitely of opinion
          that Hie Majesty's Government should inform tho Shaikh that
          with reforanoa to tho final paragraph of hla Memorandum they

          agree to hio proposal provided !lawar io allotted to Petroleum
          0onoooalon3 Limited but not othorwloe.

                                             od. T.C.Fowle.
                                Politiool Resident in tho Poraian Gulf,
            ad. A.C.Galloway,
          tteorttary to the Politioal Resident
          in the Poroian Gulf.
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