Page 271 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 271
Background and claim to Hawar islands, 1936-1942 259
tho Shaikhs of Huhrain havo promulgated decisions in regard
to disputes over property there, that questions of ownership
of fish traps havo boon submitted to the decision of the
Bahrain 3hara Court, that seven years ago Bahrain processes
were oerved in Hawar, that the boats owned by the Oawasir of
Hawar are registered in Bahrain ond that gypaum or Juas is
excavated from Hawar undor licence from the ^*./ern/nent.
I am not able to state definitely that these Dawasir have for
the past 150 years occupied Hawar at all seasons of the year,
though those now in residence thore cloim that this is so «
On the othor hand tho cemeteries, the water cisterns, the ruins
of the old fort which I have myself soon and the type of house
in use all provide evidence of consistent occupation for at
loast tho groator part of tho year. And finally in the absence
of any indication of occupation or of the exercise of Jurisdic
tion by the Shaikh of ator, the construction of a polios post
by the Bahrain Government there some 18 months ago, the build
ing of a mosque in the northern village under the orders of
Hio Highness the Ghoikh of Bahrain and the efforts made to drivs
an orteoian well constitute, in the light of older - history, a
valid and propor assumption of constitutional authority on the
part of the Bahrain Government. Thu nmall barren and uninhabi
ted islands and rocky islets which form tho completo Hawar
• group presumably fall to the authority of tho Huler establish-
jing himself in tho Hawar main island, particularly since marks
jhave boon erected on all of them by the Bahrain Government#
I have the honour to be.
Your most obedient servant,
Sd/- H. Weightman.
Political Agent, Bahrain#