Page 276 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 276

264                       Records of Bahrain


                           Tho Political Agent pointo out that tho aocuracy of
                           thio map is doubtful and is thought to indicato a
                           vidor area than actually existo.

                            2.        If it is posoible to accede to my request
                            I would ask that 6 copies each of the map may *»-• sent
                            to the India Office and the Political Agentf Dti/nain,
                            and 3 copies each to tho Secretary to the Government
                            of India in the External Affaire Department and to


                            3.        It is presumed that it v/ill be possible to
                            prepare and supply the map free of charge,
                                                     Sd. T, C, Fov/le.
                                             Political nesident in the Persian Gulf.


                                        yjr. '
                            for Sectary to the Political
                            Resident in the Persian Gulf.

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