Page 30 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 30
10 Records of Bahrain
Note orv the death of Hio Highness
Shaikh Sir Hamad bin Isa Alkhalifah,
and the succession of His Highness
Shaikh Salman bin Hamad Alkhalifah.
For several years Shaikh Hamad had boon in poor
health. When ho was in London in 1936 ho visited
tho loading medical authority on diabotos and had a
courso of troatmont and was rocommended a diot and
rogular dosos of insulin. After his return to
Bahrain ho was treated by Dr. R. Holmos and later by
tho State Medical Officer, Dr. R.H.B.Sncrw. An Indian
dresser from tho government hospital was allottod to
him and was in attendance whorovor Shaikh Hamad was
living. Tho insulin treatment was carriod out un
coasingly but in spite of incessant warnings, requests
and reminders from his medical attendants, his rela
tions, sorvants and myself Shaikh Hamad practioally
ignored the rules of his diet which had boon laid dovm.
One of his few concessions in the mattor of diet was
abstention from sweet tea, which he had novor liked,
and from oweot3 and sweet cakes on publio occasions.
He continued recklessly to eat quantities of rioe and
dates, ospecially during the fresh date season, He
used to be a very light eator but towards tho end of
his life he ate heavily. In consequence of this it
became necessary to increase tho quantity of insulin
which was given to him until at the end ho wa3 rooeiving
abnormally large doses. About two years ago - it is
difficult to docido any actual date - it booame notice
able that Shaikh Hamad had become very stiff on his
loft side, both his arm and his log being affeoted.
It was for this reason that ho found it comfortable to
use the small arm*4-ohairs which ho kept in tho palaoo