Page 31 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 31

Death of Shaikh Ilamad bin ‘Isa, 1942           19


                   at Manamah and at Sakhir.    He usod to lover himself

                   with both arms when rising from the ohair.     He never
                   diBOUssed this matter but it was commented on by his
                   servants.   After he died his household servants said
                   that twice before ho had attacks which roducod him to
                   a state of unconsciousness for a 3hort time but those
                   incidents were not made public at tho time and consi­

                   derable vagueness exists as to their dates,      On the
                   whole, considering his physical liabilities his general
                   health hod been well maintained.     His heart however
                   always required careful watohing, and during the last
                   six months its condition had been slowly and insidiously
                   showing signs of strain.
                        On Monday 16th February 1942 tho annual celebra­

                   tion of the anniversary of Shaikh Hamad's accession day
                   was held, owing to the war the only public event was a
                   ceremonial parade of the state forces in front of the
                   palace.   On the previous day Shaikh Hamad dlscussod

                   tho programme with me and said that as ho found that
                   walking tired him so much he did not Intend to pass
                   down the lines but would remain seatod throughout the
                   parade.   Ho had been suffering for somo days from a
                   swollen rheumatio ankle and though Dr. Snow and I per­
                   sonally a9ked him to keep his leg resting on a chair
                   ho noglocted the advice and twice during the few days

                   boforo the parade I found him sitting in the gate room
                   at Sakhir not resting his log.
                        The parade was held on Monday 16th.     Various
                   people commented on tho faot that Shaikh Hamad did not
                   look well.   When it was over he drove back to Rumaitha
                   where he was staying for some days in order to enjoy
                   the results of the reoent rain.    Rumaitha is a little

                   valley in tho high country towards the south end of
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