Page 36 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 36
24 Records of Bahrain
ho was tho best, if he had had any doubts ho would
not havo hasitatod to make thorn known, Ho reminded
mo that ho had told mo somotimo ago that ho hlmsolf
had never aspired to bo Shaikh, He did not remind
me that at about that time ho tolcl mo that ho thought
Shaikh Abdullah should bo tho succossor. Shaikh
Abdullah and Shaikh Salman camo later, thoro wao a
good doal of talk about the Rulor's dutios towards
tho family. They told mo that thoy had dooided that
Shaikh Hamad should be buried at Rafaa because most
of tho family woro buried thore. Thoy disousood tho
document and tho unolos said that thoy had both sealed
it and thoy spoko a good deal about oorrying out the
wishes of Shaikh Hamad. All throe asked mo to remain
as Adviser.
After returning from the Agency they drafted a
number of replies to telegrams and I 3Uggosted that
it was desirable that some sort of proclamation should
be published in ordor to let evoryono know that Shaikh
Salman had suooeeded his father. A proclamation was
then drafted, written by Shaikh Mohomod who suggested
adding to it the sentenoo about tho British Oovornment
which they all agreed upon. Tho proclamation wao
based upon the gist of tho dooumont whioh Shaikh Hamad
signed and tho wording in this wa3 oopied almost ver
batim from tho dooumont in which Shaikh Isa appointed
Shaikh Hamad as Heir Apparent ovor forty years ago.
Tho matter of the estate, whioh is large and affoo
ted by family oustom, wao not touohod upon* Shaikh
Abdullah reminded Shaikh Salman that he would have to
give up his seat as President of the Muharraq Municipality
and as President of the Minors' Department. It was