Page 37 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 37

Death of Shaikh Hamad bin 'Isa, 1942            25

                     agroed that we should meet again on Thursday.

                          At present public opinion is generally in favour
                     of Shaikh Salman, who, it is thought, is the best
                     ohoioo among the family but unlikely to acquire the
                     affoction in whioh hi3 father was hold.    He is not
                     and never has boon liked by his brothers, who aro

                     mostly very much younger than him.    When the fact
                     was first known there was consternation in the house­
                     holds of many of the Shaikhs but since then Shaikh
                     Salman has seen or sent messages to a number of re­
                     lations and people who were dependent upon his father
                     promising to look after them.    Shaikh Mohomed and
                     Shaikh Abdullah, espeoially the former, have let it

                     be seen very oleorly that they do not contemplate
                     any withdrawal from the control of the 6tate.     I
                     think this is a good thing.    Actually for several
                     years the two uncles and Shaikh Salman and myself
                     have constituted a sort of unofficial State Counoil
                     for dealing with all matters of importance whioh were

                     Invariably handed over to us for consideration by
                     Shaikh Hamad.   The matter over which there may be
                     friction is Shaikh Hamad’s estate and Shaikh Salman*3
                     administration of hie Privy Purse.
                          A cortain faction mostly in MUharraq including
                     some local merchants and younger members of the Ruling

                     Family also most of the "Shubban" (’Jroung men") are
                     extremely disappointed that Shaikh Abdullah did not
                     become Ruler.   The Bahama are intensely relieved
                     that neither Shaikh Mohomed nor Shaikh Abdullah have
                     oomo into power.   There was an idea current mainly
                     among the Bahama that Shaikh Hamad would be the last

                     Khalifah Ruler and that after him the British would
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