Page 34 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 34

22                         Records of Bahrain

                                 to Rafaa among thorn Shaikh Khalifah bin Salman i
                                 Shaikh Hamad’s nephew, son of an older brothor, who
                                 was vory angry and up3ot at not having boon told tho
                                 timo and place of tho l'unoral.   Hearing that largo
                                 crowds hod collected at tho Muharraq and Manomah

                                 comoterioc I tolophonod to tho police, from Rafaa,
                                  giving orders that people wore to bo told that tho
                                  funeral had taken place.
                                       On the same night, at about 6 p.m. I took the
                                  dooument which Shaikh Hamad had written appointing
                                  Shaikh Salman as hia auccosaor from tho safo custody
                                  of the Eastern Bank and wont to aoo Shaikh Salman at
                                  Rafaa,   I had a private conversation with him and
                                  delivered the document which he read.   Ho said he

                                  had heard something about a dooument being written by
                                   his father but he did not know what it was about.
                                  Ho then told me that on the previous night Shaikh
                                  Abdullah oemo to see him alono and hod 3aid that if
                                  Shaikh Hamad died Shaikh Salman should suooeed him
                                  and he would support Shaikh Salman,   Shaikh Salman

                                  said ho had at first refused tho suggestion but after
                                  discussion he had been prevailed upon to agree on con­
                                  dition that all the family supported him.   Ho also
                                  described how after his father's death, at Rumaitha,
                                  Shaikhs Mobomed and Abdullah took him aside and told
                                  him that he should now bocomo Shaikh and that they
                                  would support him, they promisod to be loyal to him
                                  and behave towards him in the eamo way as they had to
                                  bis father*   Thoy thon roturnod to the other sons

                                  and tho relations who wore present and Shaikh Mohomod
                                   told the family that Shaikh Salman was now Shaikh and
                                   asked whether anybody had any objection.  Tho other
                                                                              brothers —
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