Page 35 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 35

Death of Shaikh Hamad bin 'Isa, 1942            23

                  brothers and the cousins unanimously signified

                  their consont.   They thon mounted their cars and
                  drove to the cometory.
                       Shaikh Salman appeared to bo pleased and ro-
                  liovod to find that Shaikh Hamad had appointed him
                  us his successor.    lie spoke for a long time about
                  his duties and his responsibilities which, he said,
                  consisted of throe chief obligations, to proteot and

                  preserve the rights of the Ruling Family, to look
                  after the interests of his people with fairness and
                  Justice and to preserve the friendship with the
                  British Government.    Ho said ho had told his unoles
                  and brothers that ho would undertake those throe chief
                  duties.   Ho said ho wished everything to continue as
                  it had in his father's time and did not want any

                  changes made.   Regarding the document itself he said
                  he would like hi3 two unclos to seal it, showing their
                  approval and would also llko it signod by the Political
                  Agent, porhaps aftor hi3 unolos had signod it.     He
                  said noithor they nor anybody else had any knowledge

                  of thi3 document although some knew that a document
                  about something had been signed by the late Ruler.
                  Shaikh Salman spoke of my servioo to his father and
                  said that he wished me to remain with him in the same
                  capaoity as I held with Shaikh Hamad,
                       On the following day tho Shaikhs romainod in their
                  houses receiving visits of condolence.
                       On Sunday Shaikhs Salman, Mohomod and Abdullah
                  come to tho Adviserato.    Shaikh Mohomed arrived first

                  and told mo again what Shaikh Salman had told mo on
                  the previous night, ho emphasized that the family
                  were unanimous in wanting Shaikh Salman and he thought
                                                                  he —
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