Page 38 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 38
26 Records of Bahrain
tako ovor Bahrain. Apparontly the Bahama viowod
this proapoot with oquanimity. On tho wholo tho
Bahama aro glad that Shaikh Salman hao ouoooodod
partly booauoo thoy foarod and dlalikod oo much
tho proapoot of boing rulod by olthor of hio unoloa.
Tho Bahama havo novor likod the Ruling Family for
roligiouo and political roaoono but thoy woro fond
of Shaikh Hamad who always treated thorn woll and
granted thorn many privilogos whioh thoy had not
onjoyod boforo. During Shaikh Hound's illnoao thoro
was much conjooturo ao to who would auccood him. Tho
chanoos of Shaikhs Mohomod, Abdullah, Salman and
Daij woro diaouaaod, tho last wao woll known to bo
his father's favourito son and hao tho roputation of
having something of his father's disposition.
Shaikh Salman's popularity will dopond much upon
his treatment of tho family und tho pooplo. Ono of
tho things which cuuood gonorul irritation was Shaikh
Hamad'o lavish gonorosity to foroign Arabs, Bodouin
and Qattaris. Shaikh Salman novor sympathised with
this and it is poasiblo that ho will discontinue
patronising thorn.
Advisor to tho Government.
February £6, 1942,