Page 223 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 223

Disturbances and strikes, 1956             209

                          FROM BAIfRAIN TO FOREIGN OFFICE

              Cypher/OTP                   FOREIGN OFFICE (SECRET) AND
                                         WHITEHALL '(SECRET) DISTRIBUTION
              Sir B. Burrowa
              tyo. 172              D: 6.AO a.m., Maroh 4, 1956,
              M^poh 3, 1956,        R: 6,48 ft.m,, MarQb,^, 19?6f• ,
              PftffiDIATE                                ■\V ;
              SECRET■v••         ■                      |j*'1" 1 » l y
                                                     m Ni. 172 of Mtrohl 3,
                   Addressed to Foreign Office telegram Nv, ,,«. VA -----
              Repeated for Information to U.K.H.C, Now Delhi (fpj* Foreign
                                         Comraandqr-^p-Chio£ East In<ji$9,
             ; T-
                                         A.O.C. Adonf
                       • i ,
              ..U :1. :   .
                  -My. tologram No, 166 (not repeated to all): '.Bahrain •
              Internal Situation,       CfliMjio
                   Origins of disturbance last night are still not dear.
              There are three possible theories:

                 (a)  the Nigh Executive Committee haye been deliberately
                     deceiving us and staged demonstration themselvesj
                 (b)  some of their followers or perhaps a single member
                     of the Committee incited a small demonstration on
                     their own;
                  (p) demonstration was started by another group who'are
                     opposed to the High Executive Committee and have
                     extreme Right Wing tendencies, known as'thp National
                     Front.   They are under prominent younger members of
                     the ruling family.
              2, In any case it was almost certainly not intended that
              the demonstration should grow so large,   This was due to
              football match crowds and general ebullition caused by the ..
              recent political oiraular, etc.
                   Theory (a) seems improbable not so much because the
              Committee would be incapable of depeivirig us, but because
               if they had planned it the demonstration would have been'
              much larger and better organized. Thi6 is supported, for'
              what it is worth,-by the fact that leading members of the   '..
              Committee have given us today, apparently sincere expression
               of“deepest regret at what occurred, ' (b) ‘is quite likely.
               One loading member of' the High Executive5Commiitee i' Shemlan',
              was1 apparently seen addressing the crowd in an'intoxiMIftotl
                                                    state anV/r

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