Page 226 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
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212                        Records of Bahrain


                                Bahrain telegram No. 172 to Foreign Offlco
                                                - 4 -
                       7« I also said to Belgrave that one of the immediate
                       lessons of yesterday's events was the necessity of strengthening
                       the polioo force, My military adviser was proparing
  I                    proposals,for a new establishment of British officers to
                       whom it would probably be neocssary to offer higher pay.
                       As regards the men, I advocated continuation of recruiting
  . :                  in Bahrain (which i3 taking plaoe, though very slowly) and
                       suggested that perhaps the question of Iraqi recruits might
                       bo settled by compromise by which, say 30 of them might bo
                       brought in as "specialists" to serve as non-commissioned
                       officers and instructors to provide the backbone of a
                       striking force.
  !                    8,   I also urged that the Bahrain Government.should announce
                       on the radio this evening that an enquiry into the origins
                       of the demonstration was to be held immediately. It is not
                       very, likely that any firm conclusion would bo reached, but
                       it is important that an opportunity should be given for
                       those wishing to testify.

                       9,   I should be glad of your urgent instructions with regard
                       to the possibility of the use of British forces to maintain
                       order in the event of the arrest of members of the Committee
                       by the Government. I shall also be glad to know urgently
                       whether you agree to my putting to the Ruler a proposal on
                       the lines of paragraph 6 above, It might need considerable
                       pressure to induce him to adopt this course.
                            Foreign Office pleuse pass Immediate to New Delhi and
                       POMEF as my telegrams Nos. 7 and 14.
                            [Copy sent to Telegraph Sootion, C.R.O., for repetition
                       to New Delhi (for Secretary of State).]
                            (Repeated to POMEF.]

                                                ADVANCE COPIESi
                                                Private Secretary
                                                Sir I. Kirkpatriok
                                                Mr, Shuokburgh
                                                Head of Eastern Department
                                                Resident Clerk.

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