Page 229 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 229

Disturbances and strikes, 1956              215


                pahrail toloqran ftp. 177 to Foreign Offlee

                      soveral territories under our eontrol. Moreovor#
                      thalr organization Is la Borne respeet lore efficient
                      than that of the Goverjjoent and their power of
                      subversion aid aotloi        us would be considerable.
                      While therefore it is tempting to think wo should
                      do something drastic, or support the Ruler li
                      doing it, to show our displeasure at the demonstrations
                      of March 2, and this would risk beginning a long aid
                      difficult process of intervention, one of the results
                      of this . would oertainly be to turn a popular movement
                      wholly instead of only partially against us* I do
                      not mean that we should in no circumstances intervene*
                      We might well have to if law and order broke down, but
                      it seems at least questionable whether we should be
                       justified in doing so in response only to what has
                      happened up to now.
                 Foreign Offieo pass POMEF as my tolegraa No. 15*
                     [Repeated to POMEF].

                               ADVANCE COPIES:-
                               Sir I. Klrkpatriek
                               Private Seerotary
                               Mr. Shuokburgh
                               Head of Eastern Department



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