Page 227 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
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Disturbances and strikes, 1956              213


                          FROM BAHRAIN TO FORKION OFFICE

                                            FOREIGN OFFICE SECRET AND
            Cypher/OTP                   WHITEHALL SECRET DISTRIBUTION

            Sly B, BurroYfs
            No. 177                 D. 6.35, March 5, 1956
            March If, 1956          R. 7.15 a.m, March 5, 1956


                 Addressed to Foreign Office telegram No. 177 of March 4,
            Repeated for information to: P.O.M.E.F,  C-in-C East Indies
                                         A.O.C. Aden

                 My telegram No, 172: Bahrain Internal Situation.

                 The High Executive Committee,

                 The committee issued a circular on March 3 deploring the
            demonatrations on March 2 which they say might havo
            "untoward consequences*      which will no doubt hold back
            the country's movement, (i.e, in their progress) a [gp. undeo.]
            years". They "repudiated any groups which allow themselves to
            adopt such disgraceful measures."

                 2. The Ruler called to see me on March 4 to express
            his own very deep regrot for what had happened and to say
            that the whole of his family, who had come to him in his
            Palaoe, shared this feeling and were pressing him to take
            immediate action. He developed their proposal to [gp. undec.]
            against the High. Executive Committee, not on the grounds that
            they could bo proved to have causedthis particular incident,
            but beoause, had it not been for their activities over the past
            two years, the inoident would never have happened. He                           ;
            recited a number of ways in which they had stirred up
            opposition to the Government, made collections of funds without
            permission, held secret meetings, issued circulars and put
            pressure on individuals to support them etc.
                                                   /3. I said &     /'
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