Page 230 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
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216                        Records of Bahrain

                                        FROM FOREIGN OFFICE TO BAHRAIN

                        Oypher/OTP                          FOREIGN OFFICE SECRET A1JD
                                                       WHITEHALL SECRET DISTRIBUTION
                        No. 202                 D. 2.12 p.m, Maroh 6, 1956,
                        Maroh 6, 1956.


                             Addressed to Bahrain tclewram No^ 202 of March 6.
                         Repeated for information to: U.K.H.C, Kapaohi (for- Secretary
                                                         •                of State)
                                                     C-iivC East Indies
                                                     A.O.C. Aden
                             Your telegrams Nos. 172 and 177 [of March 3 and 4: Situa­
                         tion in Bahrain]
                              I approve your language as reported in pareg$>phs 4 and
                         7 of your telegram 172 and paragraph 3 of your telegram 177*
                         As responsibility for the riots is at present uncertain and
                         as situation is entirely quiet, I think it would be imprudent
                         to arrest members of the Higher Executive Committee and hold
                         them without charge or evidence against them. You should con­
                         tinue to advise Ruler thot as a first step an enquiry should
                         be instituted.

                         2.   If the Ruler contemplates strong internal action, the
                         first thing surely is to create an effective police foroe. I
                         hope therefore that you will be able to prevent him provoking
                         a dangerous situation unnecessarily before his police arc
                         capable of dealing with it.
                         3.   On the other hand I want the Ruler to feel confident that
                         we stand behind him and would of course send in British troops
                         to assist in restoring order if there were a breakdown. But
                         he should realise that- the use of British troops to.perform
                         the normal functions of police is open to objection* The right
                         solution for his problems is:                                           !

                              (a) to strengthen his police force, over whioh we are
                                   reifdy to help him;
                           and(b) to detach the better elements among the reformists
                                   by.timely action when necessary.

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