Page 233 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 233

Disturbances and strikes, 1956             219


                          FROM BAHRAIN TO FOREIGN OFFICE

           Cyplier*/’OVl»                   FOREIGN OFFICE OHORET AND
                                         WHITEHALL SECRET DISTRIBUTION

           Sir B, Burrows
           Ho. 202                   D. 12.13 p.n. March 12, 1956
           March 12, 1996            U. 1.20 p.m. Mnroh 12, 1956


                Addressed to Foreinn Office tcloRrom No. 202 of March 12,
           Repeated for information to: P.O.M.E.F.        Washington
                                        Cairo              Beirut
                                        Bagdad             Jedda
                                        Damascus           Amman
                                        Kuwait             Doha
                                        Paris              Muscat
                                        C-in-G Hast Indies Air Officer
                                 \                          Commanding Aden

                My telegram llo. 196: Bnlirain Internal Situation.

                Though no official strike has Been called and indeed the
            High Executive Committee has issued no public announcement
            of any kind since yesterday's disturbances, there is a partial
            cessation of work today cuttsed by the failure of Shla drivers
            of public transport ami oil company buses to report for work.
            Shops arc closed as a precaution. The situation In Manama at
            present quiet, with police patrolling the bazaar. The situation
            in Muharrnq has been tense and vehicles moving to and from the
            airfield were stoned earlier thin morning. Police have been
            unable to spare reinforcements to deal with the Muharraq
            situation without withdrawing all reserves from Manama,
            which would be imprudent in the present circumstances.

                 2. One frigate now standing by at Jufair base another
            at Ultra ready to protect the refinery. First half of
            K.K.R.C. company arrived during the night and now quartered
            at Jufair.
                                              '•% /.i. 'Ain nii'h

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