Page 238 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 238

224                         Records of Bahrain

                          ll° Scnior Navftl Officer, Persian Gulf'o lettor XFG.002D/5 datod 6th March, »56.

                   Anti-British ologans were ahouted, and atonoa were thrown. The Political
                   Residents oar, whioh waa led and followed by a polioo Landrovcr, aufforod littlo
                   harm, though a bag of aand waa thrown into it, and io roportod to have landed
                    on Sir Jlurold Cacoia, the Deputy Under Secretary of State. The Prooeooion
                   proceeded Jerkily, with atopo and atarta.
                        8.  The raob crowded round the Senior Naval Officer'a car at one point and
                    banged the bodywork, denting tho mudguards and doing other auperficial domago.
                   The Senior Naval Officer did not know what thoy were shouting (his driver haa
                    hardly any English) exoopt that it preeumably wan not complimentary. However
                    the inob, though behaving riotously, did not appear particularly menaoing. They
                   could obviously have done a great deal more damage had they been inclined. A.
                   brick waa thrown through the glaaa window of one car, but nobody was injured.
                        9.  The prooeasion eventually crossed tho Causeway and the Senior Naval
                    Officer drove back to the Naval Base.
                        10.  Subaequently it was learnt that two B.O.A.C. raotorbuaea whioh were
                    at tho tail of tho procession were wrecked by the mob, which also attempted
                    to burn a BAPCO bus by dropping lighted matches into the petrol tank (they
                    went out). A fire engine waa uuramonod, and was atoned by the crowd. It waa
                    rescued by a flying aquad of police under the direction of Colonel Hammeraely,
                    tho Assistant Commandant. It waa this polio© detachment which waa twice prevailed
                    upon to disperse the crowd by clubbing them with rifle butts. This io tho firptf
                    time tho polioo have oorae to grips with a crowd, and io an encouraging sign.
                   Thoy have on previous occasions opened fire (unnecessarily) but refuaod to try
                    conolusiono personally. Only in the last week, twelve police were driven out
                    to Awali, whore a mob of Bahrainis had bosieged a much smaller party of Indian
                    employees. The Police could not be persuaded to alight from their transport.
                        11.  . The Senior Naval Officer attended the dinner at the New Palace, which
                    followed the usual pattern. Before, during, and after the meal, it appears that
                    the Ruler attempted to pin down tho Secretary of Steto to an acknowledgement
                    that Her Majesty's Government had every confidence in the Bahrain Government,
                    and to throw any crumb of encouragement in the face of the Political Resident
                    and Political Agent,

                        12. After dinner the Political Resident aaked tho Senior Naval Officer
                    not to sail "LOCH FADA", and it was arranged that the Ministers party should
                    return to the Residency (which is within the Royal Naval Base),   The Minister
                    had intended to proceed direct from the Palace to the airport for a 2300 take­
                    off for New Delhi. Tho change of plan waa due to reports that roadblocks had
                    been erreoted on the Causway, varioua puncturing devices had been planted, and
                    the mob woa as strong as before.
                         13.  Tho Senior Naval Officer finally found one of the few telephones in
                    the Palace which appear to be connected to anything, and got e message to the
                    Main Signal Office, Jufair (the Naval Base) postponing "LOCH FADA's" sailing
                    and ordering her to bring a landing party to inatont readiness,   This mossoge
                    was despatched at almost exactly 2300. Shortly afterwards the Minister left
                    the Palace for the Residency, and the Senior Naval Officer made his getaway
                    immediately afterwards. The Senior Naval Officer loft and returned to
                    Navy House to oontaot the Resident Naval Officer who then set about alerting
                    an organisation to collect "LOCH FADA's" landing party if need be.
                         14.  "LOCH FADA" reported her landing party ready at 2338»'oboub w
                    hour after the Senior Naval Officer had initiated the signal from tho Palaoe.

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