Page 236 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 236
t 222 Records oj Bahrain
Bahrain telegram No; 215 to Foreign Off loo__
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efficiency of the Police, He said that It would, in these
circumstances, be better for the Government to make no further
statement today about an enquiry, and that the Committee would
nevertheless iti.their utmost to briny the strike and disorder to
an end tonight. It appears that they are largely influenced by
the lack of preparations amongst the workers for prolonging the
strike (shortage of food etc.) and that they may realize that the
strike would probably peter out anyway.
3. Since the above was drafted the Committee has acted on
this decision and asked the Government for the use of loud-
speaker vehicles with which to tour the streets and exhort the
people to bring the strike and disorder to an immediate end.
The Government Immediately acceded to this request, I anticipate
that even so, the Committee may have considerable difficulty in
bringing the hooliganism to an early conclusion and incidents
involving Police action will probably continue for some little
time. But resumption of work tomorrow should be on a large scale.
Foreign Office pass immediate to P.O.M.K.F. as my telegram
No: 30.
[Repeated to P.O.M.E.F.]
Sir I. Kirkpatrick.
Private Secretary.
Mr. Shuckburgh.
Head Eastern Department.
Resident Clerk.