Page 239 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 239
Disturbances and strikes, 1956 225
Tho Sonior Naval Officer, Persian Gulf's letter No. XFG.002D/5 dated 6th March, '56
15. Tho Sonior Nuval Officer returned to tho Rosidonoy, where it was
diffioult in tho circumstances for a decision to be mede as to the best ooursa of
action. Every moment lost meant a delay in tho arrival of tho Ministor at New
Delhi, and the consequent need for some explanation. Nobody expected that tho
Police oould force a way through a mob if need be. The Senior Naval Officer
therefore returned to Navy House, ordered "LOCH FADA" to land 30 armed men, and
at the same time instructed the Resident Naval Officer to implement his arrangement*
for thoir transport. This was at 2352.
16. Tho landing party left their ship at 0035 in a D.A.P.C.O. tug. They
were met at tho Sitra Jetty by a troop carrier and 3“tonner whioh had been driven
at what must be surely record Bpced across sixteen miles of desert to Sitra by
a Tolegraphist and the Base Postman (Able Seaman). Thoy returned at equal speed
to Jufair, whilo those who in the emergency had taken the responsibility of
authorising uncertifioated drivers to drive Admiralty vehicles kept their fingers
crossed. Tho landing party, fully equipped, arrived at tho Naval Base at 0135»
and were met by a cup of tea prepared by the Baoe and NAAFI staff.
17. Meanwhile, the crowds had got tired of waiting and had dispersed. It
later transpirod that tho ladies in the Minister's party, who had not been invited
to the Palace, left tho Residency Compound in thoir taxis according to schodule. .
The taxis made thoir way through tho crowds, though one of them had evory window
shattered. Fortunately again no one was injured, though it must have been an
unpleasant experience for the ladies.
18. The Minister left the Residency at about 0130 and his airoraft took*
off at 0245. roughly four hours behind schedule. The Political Resident would
not allow the Senior Naval Officer to accompany him to the Airport, as he said
his uniform might be provocative.
(Sgd.) V. A. Wight-Boycptt.
SrCRF :•