Page 232 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 232

                    218                        Records of Bahrain

                                     FROM BAHRAIN<TO FOREIGN OFFICE"                I.
                                     r         ' r-Y.:
                                •! .•
  I :                 Kn Clair                           DEPARTMENTAL DISTRIBUTION
                                            . !
                      Sir B, Burrows
                                                . Df 12,40 p.n. March 12, 1956.
                      No, 201>.                     R. 12.47 p.m. March 12, 1956,
                      Maroh 12,. 7356,
                        i'..                 ;
                        « I aiS6,
                        *•*              No, 234, '
                        jV: latest.'’figures arc five dead, six seriously wounded and
                      ol&ycR minor'casualties not detained in hospital. Disturbance
                      March 11 /was spontaneous clash between a crowd in Vegetable
                      market and the police over a trivial incident. It had in
                      itself no^political content, but was symptom of general tension
                      caused;by/recently renewed political campaign by reformist
                      movement'among whose objects is the removal of Belgrave. . New
                      circular.-is probably going to be issued by so called High Executive.
                      Canniipfle; today urging people’to •tfbstain-.from violence, but criticising (
                      conduct of;police and asking.for enquiry into yesterday's events
                      and^/preosing for dismissal of Bolgravo, Statements by us should
                       nqt-(repeat not) criticise police,
                           2,"' Today most shops are shut and there is partial.stoppages*
                      '#f Wotk'in/oil company and other ooncerns. There aro crowds.
                      Jon the streets at Muharrq and, some, cars have been molested.
                      Elsewhere situation has been quiet throughout. Police.? patrols
                       are circulating freely in Manama.

                       DISTRIBUTED TO:             ADVANCE COPIES TO:

                       Eastern Department          private Secretary
                       News Department             Sir I, Kirkpatrick
                                                   Mr, Shuckburgh
                                                   Head of Eastern Department
                                                                          •»* .|JXU/ %


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