Page 292 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 292

278                         Records of Bahrain

                    wished to obtain gradual constitutional progress or to overthrow
                    the Bahrain Government. Shomlan replied that ho was quite ready
                    to overthrow the Government if noceosury and that if only the
                    British would stand uoidc for twelve hours he could bring this
                 ( about. This had profoundly shocked Fakhroo und Orrayedh, and

                    they described Shavian's attitude as treasonable.
                    3. : Another interesting development was that the Committee
                          ; , »
                    recently appvoqched members of the Persian Shla community
                               1              ,
                    rosidoi^t- in Bahrain and asked them for contributions to the
                    Committee10 funds and for assurances that they would shut their

                    shops when called upon to do so,    The Persians refused further
                    contributions and said they would only chut their ohops if
                    evoryone else did.   Immediately after this some of these
                    Persians wont to the Ruler and asked for permission to form a
                    new and separate Committee of their own to represent their
                    interests.   The Ruler has agreed to this,   The people who

                    sponsored thio application are not in thomseives of great
                    weight, but the Bahrain Government have heard that if the
                    ip.VJ JeacJLor. was favourably received by the i<ulor tl.e more*
                    important members of the Persian Shia community would give
                    thoir support to the new Committee.

                    4. Both those developments, coupled with the other evidence
                    mentioned by Hr. Gault of the Committee'0 failure to gain
                    support for strikes, suggests that some progress is being
                    niade in detaching moderate elements front the opposition and
                    securing more support for the Government. At the same time
                    it is clear that the Committee, or at any rate some of the

                    influential members of it, have moved to a more extreme-
                    position and are tending to abandon the comparatively
                    constructive and gradualist approach to constitutional

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