Page 294 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 294
280 Records of Bahrain
reform is probably the moot pressing, Enactment of u new
penal code and the appointment of foreign judges av/ait the
completion of the 3tudy on which Sanhouri is engaged in Cairo
of the draft penal code, with a view to producing an amended
version. It is a groat pity that this is taking so long.
There is in any ease a considerable tendency to inertia on
the part of the Ruler and the Bahrain Government and there is
a danger that unless it can be shown fairly soon that progress
is being made in administrative and judicial improvement the
more moderate elements will begin to lose patience again and
the extremists bo given further cause for agitation. As
regards our own attitude, I and members ofmy 6taff are taking
every opportunity of meetings with Bahrainis to say that,
while in the past we sympathised with several of the objectives
of the Committee of National Union, and indeed helped to
mediate between them and the Bahrain Government with a view to
reasonable constitutional advances taking place, we are now
convinced that the measures already agreed, together with the
further administrative improvements that may follow on ilr.
Cummins'e mission and the judicial reforms on which Sanhouri
is engaged, represent a reasonable stage of development for
present-day Bahrain; in these circumstances we have no
sympathy for the Committee's attitude of demanding further .
major oteps before they make use of those already available !
G.nd wo support the Bahrain Government in refusing to accept
these unreasonable tactics. We are also taking every
opportunity to advise members of the merchant and middle
classes to stund togothcr to resist the demands of the
Committee for financial contributions and for acquiescence
in further otrikes.