Page 297 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 297

Developments in autumn 1956                283

          m:                GOVERNMENT OF BAHRAIN        10 w/\/"To 3

                . :              NOTICE
           1. Tho public arc reminded that, under Notice No. 1/1367
           dated 2lfth Muharram 1367j all demonstrations which take
           place without tho permission of the Bahrain Government are

            2*   (a) Any authorised' official ray, af/er making his
           presence known by any suitable means   to  he persons taking
           part in any illegal demonstration, orde     them in an
           understandable manner to disperse peaceably.
                 (b) For the purposes of this Notice, an "authorised
            -ifficial" means a Magistrate or any/member of the Bahrain
            State Police Force of or above the/ rank of Superintendent*

            3-   If, after such notification/and order have been made    >
            or after the making of such .notification or order has been
            prevented by force, any persox taking part in any illegal
            demonstration does not disperse peaceably* any authorised
            official or any member of the Bahrain State Police Force #r
            any other person .acting in aid of such authorised official
            or member of tho Bahrain State Police Force, may do all
            things necessary to disperse the persons taking part in the
            illegal demonstration, or for apprehending thorn or any of
            them, and* if any person makes resistance, may use all such                      !
            force as is reasonably necessary for overcoming such
            resistance, and shall not be liable in any criminal or
            civil proceeding for having, by the use of such^force,
            caused harm, death or damage to any person or property.
                   Provided that nothing in this section shall bo
            taken to authorise the use of firearms save in case of
            extreme necessity or if the life of a person is in danger.
            b... Every person who, after the making of a notification
            and order as provided in* Section 2 hereof, takes or con­
            tinues to take part in the illegal demonstration, shall
            be liable to imprisonment not exceeding three years or to
            a fine not exceeding Rs*3000., or to both.
            5.   Any person who forcibly prevents or obstructs the
            making of a notification or order as provided in section'
            2 hereof, shall bo liable to imprisonment not exceeding
            five years or to a fine not exceeding Rs»,5000, or to both}
            and if the making of tho notification or order is so
            prevented, every person who, knowing that it has
            prevented* takes or continues to take part in the illegal
            demonstration shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding
            three years or to a fine not exceeding Rs.3000, or to both.

                                                  By Order of
                                             Sulman bin Hamad AlKhalifa,
            November 1st 1956.                    Ruler of Bahrain.
            R/Awal 27th 1376.
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