Page 300 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 300
286 Records of Bahrain
the tie municipal counciln arbor the appointed opan of the prooont
nominated Councilo.
Ao rogardu the Counciln of Health und liducution wo will noon
form them ao they are coacntial.
We wish to mention that wo have obarbed and will continue to carry
out the vital ochomco which will help in the progress of the country ouci
ao the murine jetty and the water scheme for Muharraq including extenoior
of electricity to all purto of the country.
All thio will he performed in spite of the fact that two thirdo
of the state royalties depend on oil the production of which io very
limited which makes it difficult for uo to keep in line with the other
ubaton which produce more oil.
All those schemes which have been executed or are in the way of
execution, arc means to raioe the standard of the country and to develop.
it. All these Majlis a which have boon established or v/ill bo efitabliohe*
when the necessity arises are means to enable the sons of thio countiy
to co-operate with the Government in the progress and advancement of
We request you ail, as well ao all the persona who are interested
in the progress of thio country, to co-operate with us in introducing t
reforms and development. Von should overlook personal and private
advantages and look seriously to the public benefit.