Page 301 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 301
Developments in autumn 1956 287
TELEGRAM (1011/1/563/56) , •.< -•
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Received ;0'.MY : joro
r INTEL 223 , . Of December 24* 1956* -•* !-•
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CONFIDENTIAL % , : V . M ; '.VYi ••
Jvv'':Myip™LS.N08.j'99, .12.0,«nd .’"V.. . ';;V: '' \Y.; ;;iy>■ '
.Following Anglo-French intervention .in Egypt j'.Commi ttee
of'National Union organized a strike ’in' Bahrain, The ",
Bahrain Government gave them permission to hold^a ..peaceful
demonstration on November 2 which developed into serious
rioting which jeopardised British lives and resulted in
considerable damage to property though no fatal casualties,
A number; of arrests were made and Committee's premises
searched..” . As a. result five leading members of the Committee
were charged'befdre special tribunal set up by the Ruler of
Bahrain with committing various unlawful actions with
(a) to murder Ruler and certain members of his
family and officials of his Government, and
to destroy Government buildings;
•(b) to depose Ruler and bring about by unlawful
means a change in the Government of the State.
They were also charged with irresponsibility
for disorders on November 2.
2. Three of the accused have now been 6entended to 14
years' impz'isonment and two to 10 years imprisonment.
Before trial Ruler requested that-if they were convicted
they might serve their sentences in some British colony
well away from Bahrain. H.M.G. agreed and necessary
preliminary legal.and administrative arrangements have been
made for some or all of the convicts to serve their sentence*
in St. Helena, They may leave Bahrain in one of H.M.
frigates on December 27.
"A M2953—5 46923 (4)