Page 302 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 302
: 288 Records of Bahrain
3. Prior to theseevents, political situation in Bahrain
had been improving, extremist members of Committee with
their policy of |non-coopcration with Government had been
losing-, ground, ,i The Ruler has however consistently
maintained that-’arrest and neutralisation of ’ these
trouble-makers was necessary for restoration of calm and
oi'.der in Bahrain and has not concealed Ills scepticism at
H.M.G.'s efforts to bring about.a reconciliation and
cooperation between Bahrain Government and extremists.
4. Above ±s’‘f o r «y our-Information only, No announcement
has.yet.bccn made of intention to exile convicts but when
this.beoomes known II.M.G. will probably be criticismd for
their, part in* the affair. If so, you may say. thatlH.’MiG.
have1 sanctioned this entirely legal action at the request
of the'.Ruler of Bahrain, whose state is under .their
protection and to whom they are bound by long-standing
ties of'friendship. . These men have "been convicted after
trial.. They'derive their inspiration from Egypt and
there1 is :no doubt that it'-is they who have been primarily
responsible for'unrest in'Bahrain during the past year.
I^e8pite:perai8tent efforts and willingness of Bahrain
Government to ,'meet their'reasonable demands, they have
refu8ed;1.t'd'cooperate and intimidated those reformists who
wishedwto do so. ■ Their ^~guilt_7 has now been proved in
a Moslem cotfrt.‘