Page 299 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 299

Developments in autumn 1956                285

           On tho 10th or Doconibor 1956 the nominated members of the new
      Mujlius . fvjnontod thoiunolvoo before His highness The Kuler of Balirain
      «t Ilui'a1 Pali. Thooo Majliuo arc for the municipalities, the regulation
      of diving, trade, minora, waqfo, agriculture and water. The total of th*
      menibero ia fif ty.
           Illo IUghneou deliverod the following speech on this occasion.
           Bahrain Jiao been exposed to a oerica of incidents and disturbances
      during the last three years, during wiiicli time the state of trade, the
      (lovornmont inucliinery and tlio public wclfurc in Bahrain liuve been affectefl
      and liindcrcd. We arc Jiere not to go tlirough particulars of tjio
      damuges caused by those acts, tliougli most of them are known to you. The
      uction which we saw nocensary to be tuken in order to muintain security
      in Bahrain did not mean that v/c v/ould lieoitate to accomplish tlie

      refomio about v/liicji we had already made announcements.
           It is much to be regret tea tliat in spite of ull efforts the
      Committee of Mationul Union did not co-operate in achieving all tliose
      uims and in carrying out the reforms which tjiey alleged tliey were working
      for. V/Jiat hupponed was that they concentrated on paralysing tlie
      working of the Mujliss and organisations v/hicli were founded thirty or
      forty years ago for the public service and for looking after tlie public
       interest. TJiooe f.iajliss wore obliged to cease functioning and tlierefore
       the Government v/us obliged to dissolve tlie Committee.
           V7c v/ould like, on this occasion, to express our appreciation of
       those minorities who valued their duty and responsibility toward tlie

       public interest and continued to work in the Majlios and bore that burden.
           We v/ould like to point out that the formation of the municipal
       oouncilo arc usually made by election. But in the preoent circumstances
       v/e found, in order that tho work of the municipalities should be no
       longei' delayed, it seemed wise t.> appoint the tiajliss for a period of
       one year.  It was also decided that the majority of the members would
          appointed from those who had previously exercised such duties. We
       horeby asouro you that v/c v/iil uee that elections will be allowed for

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