Page 298 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 298
284 Records oj Bahrain
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(1011/1/330/56) BRITISH RESIDENCY1
December 21, llJ56.
Door Department,
We enclose the translation of a speech made
by the Ruler of Bahrain to the members of the
new nominated councils. It has been generally
accepted by all moderate Bahrainis that the normal
elections could not euaily be held in the
prevailing atmosphere of uncertainty, and the
government of Bahruin has decided to nominate this
year's members. In fact, by making certain that
no person should serve on more than one committee,
the range of members is considerably wider than
usual. Cure has also Been tulcen to include u
reasonable proportion of young men in this number.
2. We felt that the terms of the speech were
fairly encouraging as a statement of liberal
intentions by the Ruler und may be useful for
publicity purposes during the immediate future
which is bound to be fraught with political
difficulties. At any rute, the Ruler's audience
seems to have been gratified. The speech was printed
in this weeks Government Gazette.
3. We are sending a copy of this letter* and its
enclosure to the Political Agency, Buhruin.
Yours ever,
Eastern Department,
Foreign Office,
London, B.W.1.