Page 287 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 287
Report into March disturbances, 1956 273
3 -
7. Section 9 refers to on incident about which the
Board is nbyj?Soans satisfied on tho existing cvldcnco".
If tho man who claims that ho was stabbed fcy a bayonet comas
forward and makes a statement his case will bo fully
investigated and doalt with.- He was invited to be presont
at the Fort on the day on which tho Board, asked to hold an
idontity parade but he failed to attend.
0. Tho Government have taken noto of the observations
made by tho Board on the direction of polico operations on :
that day. Tho Police Force is being reorganised and enlarged.
Training will be directed towards modern methods of crowd
dispersal. Tho public must realise that they are themselves
mainly to blame for these disturbances. When crowds become
violent and riotous it is the public duty of the police to
disporso them. The public can help tho Government and them-
solvos by dispersing peacefully when called upon to do so and
will thus not provoke tho polico into firing at random.
9. To meet the Board's suggestion the Government has i
republished the Possession of and Traffic in Arms Ordinance i
June h9 1956.