Page 285 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 285

Report into March disturbances, 1956           271
                             GOVERNMENT COMMENTS

          1.     It is stated in Section I of the report that tho Board
          was unable to obtain all the evidence that it required and had

          no power to compel the attendance of any person.

          2.     Attendance before the Board was voluntary and no persons
          wore compelled to Give evidence. Certain witnesses who were
          invited by the Government to attend and who appeared before tho
          Board were threatened by members of the public, other witnesses

          statod that they were afraid to appear because they had been
          threatened. A Policeman who cave evidence was threatened at
          the door of tho room where the Enquiry was held by a member of
          the public and told that his house, a barasti in the town, would

          bo burned down. Owinc bo intimidation not all tho persons who
          were called by the Government to give evidence, including one
          of the Policemen, appeared before tho Board nor did the
          Government insist on any more Policemen appearing after the

          incident referred to above.

          3*    In Section 3 of the report it is stated that tho vegetable
          seller, who was tho original cause of the incidents on 11th
          March, did not appear before the Board and roforoncc is made

          to tho Municipal regulations regarding the places where vcgetabl
          are allowed to be sold. For some months before 11th March there
          had boon trouble between the vegetable sollors and tho Police
          and the Municipal authorities. Vegetable sollers disregarded
          tho Municipal ordors, which were issued on several occasions,

          which forbade tho sotting up of stalls and places for selling
           in the roads between the two market buildings. These ordors
          woro ropoatodly disregarded by tho vegetable sellers until,
           some time ago, a section of Polico undor tho ordors of a

          British Officer camo to tho marlcot placo one night and
           romovod over ton lorry loads of boxos, shelters etc.i, whifch
           had boon used as stalls in the streets outside tho market in
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