Page 286 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 286
272 Records of Bahrain
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contravention to tho Municipal ordors. This action vfctjHout
doubt lnsonsod tho vogotablo sellers, who number over a hundyotf
persons, and caused thorn to rogard tho Polico, as well a3 tho
Municipal Officials, with hostile feelings.
In Section 6 roferonco is mado to "Crackors or squib"
having boon lot off before tho Polico began to fire. More than
a year ago tho Government stopped the import of this typo of
firoworks which used to bo imported from India. The only
"fireworks" of this nature which now oxist in Bahrain aro little
papor twists containing small bits of stono and somo gunpowder
which make a sound which is oasily rocognisable.
5- In 7(c) reference is mado to small Calibre pistols. Tho
Police do not possess any such pistols.
6. In 8(f) reference is made to tho Police being ••not fully
trained". Among tho men who were on duty on 11th Marah ttoTO wSo***
who were not fully trained, having been lately cnlistod# TheUp
wore also men who had many years sorvico. For ovor a ypar Wo
Government has been endeavouring to obtain raoro men 0?otn Bahrain
as recruits in the Polico force but in splto of good panA g00’
conditions it has boon impossible to obtain suitable fxc.‘
the poople of the country. It is for this reason that
Government has had to enlist in Bahrain large numbers of *aan
who are not of Bahrain nationality and unless volountoops from
Bahrain offer themselves it will be necessary to enlist many more
foreign recruits and trained men from abroad to provide tho forco
which is now requirod to preserve law and order in Bahrain.
It is evident from tho incidents of March 2nd and ll'th that
larger socurlty forces are needed to protect the public frow
disorders such as those which ocurrod in March.