Page 280 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
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266 Records of Bahrain
Board a\\ggOSt thart th© Qovomnqnt ahould consider taking stops to onsura
A Vidor ^towlpdflp .And compliances with tbo provisions of this Ordinance by
V|10 public|
20, The Board obsorvo that, in circumstances auoh as thoso whloh
©Xistod In tho Boladiya Squaro on March 11th it is required in somo
countries that some Judicial authority such as a Magistrate bo called to the
soono And tho lav provides that it is a criminal offonco for tho polico to
Tiro, oven into tho Air, without his authority. This is only given in extrtwo
casos and when tho Magiotrato is 3atlsfiod that tho polico are in tho gravest.
danger which oan only bo avortod by firing. Evon then, tho amount of fire
allowed is strictly limited by order*
21. Thft Board hoard with ooncoro tho ovidonco of Colonol Hamorsloy
that ho oonaidorod thoro had not boon, for a long time, good fooling between
tho polico and tho public. They no tod, fully beliovod and support his dosiro
to alter this and in a oountry like Bahrain whore serious crime is rare such
gopd-foollng should bo a matter of course,
22. Thp Board doslro to oxpross thoir opinion that -
(i) as they have roachod cortain conclusions, it would be Improper
If oithor Mombor was callod on to adjudicato in any oaso
taken in tho Courts cloarly cohnoctod with thq&isturbancos
or rpforrod to at tho Inquiry, and
(il) it would bo inadmissible to uso any ovidonco taken or any
Statement made at this Inquiry or to quoto from this Report^
in any proceedings boforo any Court relating to any inoidont
or -latter reforrod to horoin.
(Signed) G.L.Poace )Mombors of tho
W.P.R.Mawdsloy )Board.
Jlst May, 1956#