Page 278 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 278

264                        Records of Bahrain
                               C. MJSClSLlJfflTOUS INCIDENTS . 2ND TO 16TH MARCH.

                           Ih® Board have hoard ovidonco rotating to vai'ioua. athoxi^incidonfcu
                which are nllogod to havo occurod during this period, Thoso includo tho
                construction of road blocks and tho scattoring of nails on roads (all aftor
                March 11th) ; tho shooting of an Arab podostrinn fron/i passing car on 12th
                March| tho stoning and burning of a car drivon by a British civilian not

                employed by tho Govommont and tho assault of cortain Indian omployoos
                returning from work on 13th March; tho finding by tho polico of a revolvor
                in tho pockot of an Arab civilian on 14th March and of a daggor in tho

                possession of another Bahraini on l6th March; the cutting of a telephone wire
                in throo places on tho samo day and an incidont at Hcdd on March 14th. It is
                within tho personal knowlcdgo of tho Doard that, botwoon Hth and 16th March
                other cars woro stonod and damaged or burnt, Thoso included vchiclos owned
                by tho Govommont of Bahrain and drivon by British Officials employed by

                tho Govommont, Europoan drivon vehicles and othor3,
                16.        Ji. was stated in ovidonco to tho Board that tho virions incidents
                aftor Hth March woro dosigned to further the strike which bogan following
                tho ovonts of that day by bringing traffic to a standstill, Tho Board considor
                that they woro not directly inspirod by tho causos of tho Muharx'aq disturbances

                of 2nd March# Manifestly such acts as tho scattering of nails on public road3
                cannot bo directed against any particular porson or section of tho community#
                17.        Tho Board includod in thoir enquiries a somewhat o-.-<Vnr»d A^oidont
                which occurod at Hidd on March 14th, Tho owner of a private car complained

                that o number of persons followed him to his homo and damagod his car and
                othor proporty# On the other hand it was alleged^ that tho car had boon drivon
                at a rockloss speed and without duo care and consideration for tho public.
                It appoarod to tho Board at a vexy early stage of this particular enquiry

                that thoso present had ranged themselves into factions# References woro
                actually made to "Plaintiff11 and "Dofondants". Tho Boai'd, not boing a Could;
                of Law, do not considor it to bo thoir function to decide which faction should
                win tho argument# They think there may bo some substance and also exaggeration
                in tho allegations of both sides# Tho only connections with tho strike which

                soom to omorgo  are that at that timo voxy few private cars woro boing drivon
                in Hidd except a number displaying tho Rod Crescent and that a number of
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