Page 273 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 273
Report into March disturbances, 1956 259
$ position ffo?n vhioh bo could exonoiso control*
Co) J\lthou^h tho ovidonco was not froo from contradictions,
1 ■ • *
thp weight of it is that throo of tho officoro -at .tho
S\unro, Capt, Hills, Inspoctor Wilson and Inspootor
Khalifa Mijrin, wore insido tho Municipality Building
at tho momont when firing startod, Tho Board do not
accopt the ovidonco or inforonco offored by 3omo witnossos
^hat oj-thor of tho two British officers gavo nn ordor to
ffjro •* indood it sooms clear that thoy triod to stop tho
V?» •*. *V ' »
fifing as soon as thoy reached their mon, Tho Board aro
satisfied that neither Inspector Salman nor In3poctor
jtyalifa gave an ordor to fire, As early as 12.45 p.m. It
oppqops that Capt.Hills had contomplatod tho possibility
of having to opon fire but that Colonol Hamorsloy definitely
instructed him not to,
(f) Owing to insufficient ovidonco tho Board aro unablo to
dotormino to their satisfaction whon tho police loaded thoir
fifles‘ or whether thoy wero all ordered to do yo and^ if so,
j by whom,; Nor can the Board dotormino whothor any person
1 othor'tjhan an officor ordered firo to bo oponod.
8. Thp Board fool it thoir duty to mako somo obsorvationo on tho
direction of police*oporations on that day -
(a) The Boprd obsorvos that throp partios of police, each about
30 strong, wore sont at various timos by Colonol Hamorsloy
in' pgropmont with tho Advisor as Commandant of Polico and
^ho-Dirootor of Polled and Public Security from tho Fort
to tho Square on tho morning of March 11 th. Of those, only
thoA/C Squadron undor Capt. Hills was a comploto formation
with somo training as such. Inspectors Wilson’and Salman
wore both ordered from thoir normal dutios to tako over
parties'of mon'which had'already boon-collected*together i
and armod at tho Fort,5 Capt .Hills and Inspoctor Wilson havo
boon'in Bahrain'loss than 9 months and the latter’s normal.'.
duties do not include tho training or command of a regular